Please join us for A Panel Discussion: How to Discuss Collaborative to Clients, Other Professionals and Out in the Community.
This CLASP Educational Program will be held from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM on Tuesday, January 29, 2019. After the program we plan to head to Bar Oxford in the basement of One Oxford Centre for happy hour.
If you plan to attend please register so that we can let the building security know who to expect. If you have questions please contact Devin Hallett Snyder at or 412-828-3011.
For those who want to join us after the program or for those who cannot attend but would like to meet up for happy hour feel free to come.
We do plan to have additional educational programing at least monthly in 2019 with the schedule for the coming months to be set as soon as possible so be on the look-out for additional information so you can reserve the dates on your calendar.